Good Morning Everyone! Welcome to The Woods 1777 blog spot! There are many blogs out there but this one is mine! :) Why the name? I wanted something that would identify the location of our farm in two different forms. We are located in the woods of Camden County North Carolina which was established in 1777, hence the name was born. Follow along for an inside view of life adventures on the farm. Everything from building a greenhouse, chicken coops, a mommy get away cabin to cooking -along with recipes good & bad (!) decorating -along with mistakes, furniture refinishing, yard sales & junk shopping (!) animal care, hatching eggs, and everyday living.Enjoy! Thanks for following!
Baby Roo didn't want to get his little feet in the snow. He is low in the pecking order due to his size. He is still mad at me for putting him in the toy train that runs around the Christmas Tree when he was just a little lad. So, sometimes he tries to flog me.
Penny the peahen decided she wasn't going to have any of this snow stuff, she will just stay in the barn thank you very much!
Big black hen likes the taste of snow!
This a first for these guys, most were purchased from a hatchery this spring. I ordered 30, two arrived smashed. A word of warning, when ordering mail order chicks do not order bantam breeds along with the standards, it just doesn't work. Surprisingly though even though the silkies didn't make it the "mystery" free surprise chick did make it. A rooster of course, his name is Mr. Frank. Mr. Frank is a cool looking Frizzle. Mr. Frank doesn't play well with others so he stays by himself until I can find him a friend. I tried putting a little girl in there with him but she threw him down, stood on his chest and proceeded to pull his feathers out. Here is a photo from last year, see how tiny he is compared to the others?
Mr. Frank today. I really must find him a little Frizzle gal to keep him company...
This is one of my Jersey Giants. I was in a rush this morning so I forgot to put the lid on the bin where their feed is kept...yup, what better way to spend a winters day then by laying an egg while pecking at feed. I love my Jersey Giants. For some reason I didn't think they were going to be very friendly but the two black ones I have are very sweet! The two white Giants want nothing to do with people but they are huge birds & pretty to look at anyway.