Monday, February 4, 2013

Cats love a good box!

If you have feline pets you will probably agree! Meet Princess. She is our resident Main Coon Cat. She has been the sweetest furry friend ever even though she is dumb as a box of rocks. She will be 13 this year so she is slowing more calamity Jane type stunts for her. She is one of six fur balls on the farm!

Meet Purr Purr. He is our 5 year old creepy flesh colored orange tom-cat. We found him on the side of Rt. 343 here in Camden as they were burning the wheat fields. He was so tiny & so hungry! He drank some iced tea & ate pickles in the car on the way home. His buddy Steven passed away earlier this year the vets office fro unknown causes. Steven was found on Rt. 17 in Camden. Many of Stevens litter mates were mashed in the street by the time we turned around & pulled over. Steven was an amazingly friendly tom-cat. He thought he was human. It still pains me today to think about his passing. When he passed Purr Purr went looking for his adopted litter mate. He looked in all the rooms, all the closets. One day I was upstairs when I heard a bang, bang, bang!! It scared the heck out of me. Slinking downstairs I find Purr Purr trying to pull the oven door open looking for his friend. I know he was missing Steven too. He really doesn't care much for the cats in the house. Purr purr also has the widest territory I have ever seen in a fixed cat. It's not unusual to find him a mile down the road standing in the field. When you yell at him he will turn tail & fly home. He will great you on the porch with an expression that says "That wasn't me!"

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