Thursday, June 6, 2013

My Jersey Giant hatched some babies!

It's always a happy day on the farm when there is a hatching. Frankly I'm amazed that these eggs hatched at all! First they over weekend it at the post office because we do not get delivery back this far in the woods. By the time I received  notification the post office was already closed. Off to a bad start! Half Comb (that's her name, don't judge!) had already been broody for about 10 days so I wasn't sure if she would last on them. If she snubbed them I would have just put them in my incubator. About an hour after I removed the old eggs & replaced them with the one's I purchased from E-bay, she got off the nest for a loooonnnggg time...not good, about 2 hours. Periodically thru out her broodiness she would leave the nest, other hens would get in...some hens lay standing up so their eggs would smash into the bottom eggs, we lost at least one egg that way. One day I came home to find Half Comb taking a dust bath. I felt the eggs, stone cold..ugghh. Oh well, we only had a few more days to go so I just left them in her nest, counting the pennies I was about to lose. But I should have known better, she is only a year old, a little early to be a momma.  A few days later I was taken by surprise to hear cheeping!! Yeah, at least we will get one..expensive but worth it. I have been wanting some Lavender Orpington's and some Coronation Sussex for a very long time. She managed to hatch six out of eight so way to go new Momma! She hasn't had any problems with the rest of group except for Penney the peahen. I don't think Penny wants to harm them I think she wants to steal it!! If you have ever seen a large hen & a peahen fight, it's pretty scary. Hopefully they will work it out. Happy Days!


  1. Do you feed the chicks starter feed or let nature take its course?

  2. My girls are spoiled so they have an unlimited feed treats! :) Thanks for the question!
